The result of practical experience meeting innovative design
The trialled and tested design behind Fiasco Standard Chain Motor Cases is rooted in years of firsthand experience gained on the road.
A unique insert system that promises both flexibility and longevity
Each case is a two-part system, featuring a 800 Case or 800 Short Case paired with a custom insert. This ensures optimal truck pack and efficiency in loading and unloading your motors.
We make custom inserts to cover a wide range of chain motor brands, such as CM, GIS, Stagemaker, and Chain Master. We also make inserts for each different size, from three-ton to quarter-ton.
This offers robust protection while granting the versatility to swap out inserts as needed, meaning your case will keep serving you, even when it's time for a new motor.
Motor Cases that are thoughtfully engineered for safety and ease of use
The chain hook safely secures in a designated slot, that's fully captured when the lid is closed. The chain flow path is optimised for easy chain run-through, and the chain bag can remain rigged to the motor while in the case.
When closed, the case fully supports your motor and ensures any loose chain is isolated to protect your motor - even if the case needs to be tipped during packing or stacking.
In addition to our standard build, we also offer Cadillac Chain Motor Cases, leveraging our 270-degree flip-over lid for enhanced loading efficiency. This robust construction offers the most durable and functional motor case in the game.
